2013 League Table

Upcoming GAA Andalucia fixtures and events, tournaments and training for the Costa Gaels GAA Football Club.

Tournament format is a mini tournmanet with points begin award to first , second and third place. Each team plays each other and the two winners will then go on to the ifnal to decide the overall outcome.


Season opening.

Marbella – 19th October.

Friendly tournament hosting Seville – Gibraltar – Cordoba GAA in a mix up of games aimed at strengthening bonds between the 4 teams.

Seville – 16th November

1st Tournament of the Andalucia GAA
Seville Win overall
Marbella take Second place
Gibraltar take third place

Marbella – 14th December

2nd Tournament of the Andalucia GAA
A Straight draw all round!

Gibraltar – January 19th
Seville Win
Marbella take 2nd
Gibraltar take third place.

League outcome
Seville take the championship
Marbella second
gibraltar take third

Standings 2013

PosTeamWinDrawLossGoals (for)Goals (Against)Points (For)Points (Against)Total ScoreScore DifferenceLeague Points
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